Hello everyone. I got busy and lost track of time for a little while, sorry about that. Things are going good here. The weather has finally has gotten good enough I have been able to get out and about in my 4x4 chair. I made another attempt at getting into the woods but the trail needs some work before I can get very far. I was able to get down onto Whipple Run, the little creek behind my house. I've been going down there since I was a little boy, and I've been finding arrowheads since then. Even paralized and in a wheelchair I'm still able to find arrowheads. I think it's part of a scraper blade, not sure though. My class has been keeping me very busy, but I've only have a few weeks left. I'm doing good in it, but it's been hard leaning how to communicate my ideas for someone else to write. But of course that was the idea behind taking the course in the first place.
Shilah turned a year old this past week, and she's not sure what to think about the creek. She''s not very fond of the deep water, I know that for sure. I'll get a good photo of her on here real soon. On a sad note Sebastain hasn't been around for awhile. He was a six year old tom cat though. He was a good cat and he's be missed. Any name suggestions for another male tabby? I've always had a cat and I still have Dewey but he's got an attitude (but don't all cats) and doesn't hang around people very much, he loves Shilah though. Well I got class tomorrow. Till next time, thanks for reading.